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Posted April 13, 2023 / Community, Patient Care
Dr. James Dow

Strategies for Teasing: Helping Kids Feel Better About Their Smile

Every kid feels uncomfortable in social situations sometimes, especially when they feel they “look different”—and studies show the #1 reason kids are bullied for their appearance is the way their teeth look. Bullies sense this discomfort and annoy, anger, and confuse kids who already feel vulnerable—and if the child being teased is openly reactive, the […]

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Posted March 27, 2023 / Community, Patient Care
Dr. James Dow

Oral Hygiene for Families on the Go

Today’s families seem to be busier than they were in the past—lots of homework, extracurricular activities, and hopefully, some quality time spent with the family. Here are a few ideas from Main Street Dental to make consistent oral hygiene a little more convenient: Brushing teeth in the shower:  as hard as it is to get […]

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Posted March 15, 2023 / Community, Patient Care
Dr. James Dow

Keys to Successful Dental Visits for Kids

There are very few people in the world who would choose going to the dentist as their favorite thing to do, and kids are no exception. Here are a few tips to help ensure a more successful dental visit for your child: Encourage age-appropriate daily oral hygiene routines at home. The best checkups are the […]

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