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Posted July 13, 2024 / Community, Patient Care
Dr. James Dow

Do I Have Herpes? Cold Sores 101

Cold sore. Fever blister. Herpes Simplex Virus-1. These babies go by a lot of different names, but the experience is always the same: Telltale burning or itching near the lip A red bump appears a day or so later The bump becomes a cluster of blisters The blisters dry up and scab over The scab […]

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Posted June 27, 2024 / Community, Patient Care
Dr. James Dow

Dentistry in the Digital Age

Technology has changed nearly every aspect of human life and modern society. New tools, programs, and education can greatly improve your healthcare, too! Let’s say you need any kind of standard dental restoration for a cracked or missing tooth. From x-rays and impressions to surgery and installation, your whole treatment could be digital. We’re so […]

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Posted May 13, 2024 / Community, Dental Technology
Dr. James Dow

Integrative Orthodontics for Kids

Dr. Dow at Main Street Dental finds integrative orthodontics for children a fascinating subject that many people may not know about, and today we’d like to give you a brief overview of some of the benefits. We used to have plenty of room for all our teeth, and anthropological evidence shows no genes for crooked […]

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Posted April 13, 2024 / Community, Dental Health
Dr. James Dow

Everything You Need to Know About Gum Disease

Did you know half of Americans have gum disease? Gum disease happens when bacteria gets trapped below the gum line and damages the soft tissue. In its most advanced stages the bacteria cause bone and tooth loss. If it’s been a while since you’ve been to the dentist, Main Street Dental would love to examine […]

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Posted March 27, 2024 / Community, Dental Technology
Dr. James Dow

Does Your Chewing Gum Fight Tooth Decay?

Avid gum chewers rejoice! Your love for the sticky, stretchy stuff can be beneficial for your oral health—depending on its ingredients. If you’re chewing gum with artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol, sucralose, aspartame, or mannitol, it’s true you’re avoiding traditional sugar, but your teeth aren’t as likely to thank you as they might be if […]

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Posted February 27, 2024 / Community, Dental Services
Dr. James Dow

I’d Rather Have a Root Canal

Have you ever heard someone say, “I would rather have a root canal”? Most of us are used to hearing root canals compared to some genuinely unpleasant circumstances, but Main Street Dental would like to set the record straight and talk about how root canals can do some serious dental good.  Root Canals Save Teeth […]

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Posted February 13, 2024 / Community, Dental Services
Dr. James Dow

Mail-Order Braces: Buyer Beware

Mail-order braces are a controversial dental topic, and Dr. James Dow of Main Street Dental weighs in today. Direct-to-consumer orthodontics companies make many appealing promises—no dental visits, aligners delivered to your door, and lower costs. But are the risks worth it?  Not according to this consumer alert from the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). As […]

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