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Dental Technology

Posted May 13, 2024 / Community, Dental Technology
Dr. James Dow

Integrative Orthodontics for Kids

Dr. Dow at Main Street Dental finds integrative orthodontics for children a fascinating subject that many people may not know about, and today we’d like to give you a brief overview of some of the benefits. We used to have plenty of room for all our teeth, and anthropological evidence shows no genes for crooked […]

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Posted March 27, 2024 / Community, Dental Technology
Dr. James Dow

Does Your Chewing Gum Fight Tooth Decay?

Avid gum chewers rejoice! Your love for the sticky, stretchy stuff can be beneficial for your oral health—depending on its ingredients. If you’re chewing gum with artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol, sucralose, aspartame, or mannitol, it’s true you’re avoiding traditional sugar, but your teeth aren’t as likely to thank you as they might be if […]

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Posted January 27, 2024 / Community, Dental Technology
Dr. James Dow

An Orthodontics Overview

The root word “ortho” means “straight or upright.” Orthodontics— you guessed it – help make your teeth straight. But oh, how it can do so much more!  A lovely smile with straight teeth and an even bite is equal parts functional and beautiful – and thanks to scientific progress, all that can be yours. Orthodontics […]

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Posted November 13, 2023 / Community, Dental Technology
Dr. James Dow

Lasers: A “Groovy” Tool for Dentists

At Main Street Dental, we take pride in staying ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest and greatest in dental treatments and technologies. That’s why we think dental “lasers” are truly smashing. And if you’re worried about paying one million dollars, rest assured laser treatments are more accessible and affordable than ever. […]

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Posted May 27, 2023 / Community, Dental Technology
Dr. James Dow

Is Flossing Really Necessary?

How do you feel when you see that little plastic floss container in your medicine cabinet? Eagerness to achieve that clean feeling in your mouth? Or regret over a habit you have trouble keeping? Did you get excited about recent headlines saying flossing isn’t necessary? We’re sorry to break the news, but as your oral […]

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